Smax moto

Smax moto

The SMAX scooter is a surprising little performer. If you would like to get a quot on a new 20Yamaha SMAX use our Build Your Own tool, or Compare this bike to other Scooter motorcycles. It is both fun and easy to ride and can carry a passenger too.

Nov 1 20max scooter impresses with its easy handling and freeway-capable speeds making it a choice transportation solution for an urban lifestyle. Below is the information on the 20Yamaha SMAX. 20Yamaha SMAX pictures, prices, information, and specifications.

Yamaha SMAX Motor Scooter Guide

With excellent refinement and excellent power and milage, the SMAX is one of the most stylish and practical scooters available. ANY QUESTIONS REGARDING PRICING OR UNIT SPECIFICATIONS PLEASE CALL US AT East Bay Motorsports carries Yamaha, Polaris, Honda, Suzuki, Kawasaki, Can-Am, Sea-Doo and CF Moto brands. Its sporty design begins to hint at.

The Right Synthetic Motor Oil for Your 20YAMAHA SMAX. Yamaha 20SMAX is the best way to start your sport scooter adventure, 155cc engine, auto transmission, light, sporty handling and under seat storage. The SMAX takes on popular scooters like Hondas PCX 1in the mid sized category. Yamaha SMAX Motor Scooter Guide The SMAX remains on sale in both markets as of 2020.

Apr 0 20Yamaha Smax Liquid cooled stroke 155cc motor scooter. If you would like to get a quot on a new 20Yamaha SMAX use our Build Your Own tool, or Compare this bike to other Scooter view more specifications, visit our Detailed Specifications.
Read our full first ride report: . 20Yamaha SMAX :The best way to start your sport scooter adventure, 155cc engine, auto transmission, light, sporty handling and under seat storage. 20Yamaha Smax PERFORMANCE SPORT The best way to start your sport scooter adventure, 155cc engine, auto transmission, light, sporty handling and under. They deliver excellent wear protection and engine cleanliness while promoting smooth shifts.

AMSOIL synthetic lubricants are the solution for riders who want the most from their 20YAMAHA SMAX. They resist the devastating effects of extreme heat, even in rally or parade traffic on hot days. Weight 328lbs 81mpg Highway legal reaching speeds of 81miles per hour.

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